Practical Information in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Here we list some practical Information which will be useful during your stay in .
Local Time and Code
Time Zone: GMT + 04.00
International country code: + 971 (United Arab Emirates)
Area code (Abu Dhabi): 2, Abu Dhabi is the capital of United Arab Emirates.
Tipping is not compulsory in Abu Dhabi and it is at your discretion. Some people choose not to tip at all and some others offer amount up to 10% as tips in restaurants when the service is worth recognizing. Taxi drivers do not expect to be tipped. Supermarket bag carriers and windscreen washers at petrol stations are generally given a tip.
If even a sip of alcohol has passed your lips, you are not allowed to drive. If you are caught in a traffic accident under the influence of alcohol, the consequences can be serious. Drinking in public view is also illegal in the UAE. Read more…
You are requested to get permission before photographing people in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Avoid taking photographs of Muslim women and do not try to photograph airports, docks, telecommunications equipment, government buildings, military and industrial installations.
The electricity supply in Abu Dhabi is 220/240 volts at 50 Hz. Sockets suitable for three pin 13 amp plugs of British standard design are the norm. Adaptors can be purchased in local supermarkets. Appliances purchased in the UAE will generally have two pin plugs attached.
Cards and Currency Used
Nearly all major retail establishments accept credit card payment in Abu Dhabi; however it is advisable to carry some loose local currency, in dirham, to use at smaller local stores. International Credit cards like American Express, MasterCard and Visa are widely used in Abu Dhabi.
Weights and Measures
The UAE uses the metric system, although the British and US standard weights and measures are understood.
Post Offices
Emirates Post, the sole provider of postal services in the UAE, has got around 22 offices all over the emirate and it provides both domestic and international mail and courier services. Working hours vary at different post offices, with some post offices remaining open till late evening while others open only until early afternoon.
Although the dress code in the UAE is generally casual, residents and visitors are advised to respect the Emirati culture by not wearing excessively revealing clothing in public places. Beachwear is acceptable at beach clubs, hotel beaches in Abu Dhabi but swimmers should avoid excessively revealing swimming suits.
Most shopping malls and Shopping centers, public gardens, museums etc. have clean, well maintained public toilets. You can also find good public toilets at restaurants and petrol stations in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Food and Water
The standard of food hygiene and water quality is extremely high, especially in all of the larger centers. Some people will advise you not to drink the tap water in Abu Dhabi as it is desalinated sea water so does not taste pleasant. It is advisable to drink plenty of water in the heat and so carry a bottle of water with you at all times. Read more...
Shops and Offices
Normal shopping hours are from 9.00 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4.00 – 9.00 p.m. Most shopping centers in Abu Dhabi open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Some supermarkets are open for 24 hours. Department stores, boutiques, souks and many food shops remain open on a Friday, apart from prayer times (between 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m.). Read more…
Public Holidays
As some holidays in the UAE are based on the sightseeing of the moon and do not have fixed dates on the Hijri calendar and so Islamic holidays in the UAE are more often confirmed less than 24 hours in advance. Read more…
It is illegal to drive while talking on your mobile handset. As a practical information, it is advisable to use a hands free kit. Driving license should always be in your possession. In the UAE, it is a right hand side driving and it is mandatory to wear seat belts while driving. Kids are not allowed to sit in the front seats. Read more…
It is illegal to eat, drink or smoke in public view during Ramadan fasting hours. The law also applies to everyone and it is not allowed to eat or drink while travelling in a car or bus. Read more…